There has been a lot of one-on-one time as mother and son during this winter season. There are many trying moments but they are out numbered by the moments that make my heart smile. I am in love with my son and I think he is an amazing boy. These are some of the funnier moments.
- hides in the corner of the bathroom next to the vanity so that he can suck on his training toothpaste.
- covers his eyes when he wants to be hidden.
- loves playing outside, even in the winter, with his wagon, dump truck, and shovels.
- wishes he could drink apple flavored Pedialyte even when he is not sick because he loves the taste of "sick juice".
- runs to the kitchen at the chance to work the food processor, blender, or coffee grinder.
- can be overheard saying "I've got a job to do" carrying his tools and pieces of wood.
- "fixes" everything around the house, most recently Evangeline's rocking horse and Leap Frog table.
- hands me a book to read out loud to him as he reads one out loud to himself.
- claps and says "Yeah!" when he goes potty, even in public restrooms.
- suavely coins phrases like, "hey guys let's go"!