Friday, April 30, 2010

Road Trip to Virginia

The Jr. Rudnicks where on a mission; Make it to Virginia for Julie's wedding and see Alan's family while traveling there and back in one piece (mentally and physically).

Thank you minivan for your sacrifice of being climbed all over, snacked in, and slept in.Thank you Memme and Grandpa for taking such good care of Rowan and Evangeline.Mission Accomplished.

First Road Trips to NJ

Back and forth to New Jersey isn't really a first but doing it twice, within weeks, with the kids (and a potty), solo, was a first. Rowan had his first chance at a big kids swing and he drove his first tractor (see previous post). Evangeline started crawling first in the family room at Lolly and Pops and loved the constant theater of watching everything happen around her!
Catching up to the Rudnick Two

April proved to be a month of firsts including the first time I only posted once all month.

Evangeline is 9months, with a healthy report of 19.2lbs and 28 1/4". She waves, claps, is "so Big!", crawls, pulls up and kinda cruises. She thinks she can climb stairs too and overall she is very proud of herself.
Rowan is 2 1/2 today, with a healthy report of 32lbs and 37". He climbs, jumps, digs, runs, throws, plays pretend, and tries to keep Evangeline from knocking over his play. He loves firetrucks, tractors, and all things that can be found in a shed. He's also quite fond of wearing helmets, first!
This is the only picture, action shot, I could find of the two of the children together in one frame.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Surely this is not what the book store intended.

I don't know if anyone has noticed but this is certainly not "Ruddy's Blog" anymore. Alan has not touched this since he's moved on to bigger and better blogs! I, Christine, am considering some changes!

Saturday, March 06, 2010

With Alan out of town for work this Saturday I challenged myself to do the impossible; I will take Rowan and Evangeline to a kids opera in Saratoga Springs at the Arts Center. I know that people do wonderful, amazing things everyday but today I am thrilled with our success in this small thing. It's a taste of us being a functioning family in society again.

The Three Little Pigs was opera presented by the Lake George Opera Co's Opera on the Go series, with music from the operas of Amadeus Mozart, performed by a wonderfully trained cast. Afterward, there was a question and answer session and a time for photos (above).

Rowan sat with his friend at the beginning and wiggled his way front row by the end of the 30 minute performance. The children were encouraged to sit close but really, Rowan, down in front!
Evangline is always along for the ride. Here she is just sitting around waiting for the show to begin. She enjoyed it just as much as everyone else.

Friday, March 05, 2010

We're outside everyday. I should say that we're outside everyday if the temperature is above 32 and it's not raining. Thankfully, the temperature has been above 32 quite a lot. As for the rain, as we leave winter and enter spring, it'll start soon. I might change my tune about rain if it means he'll enjoy stomping in the puddles. He's waterproof and his clothes are washable, right?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snapshots like this give me a glimpse of Rowan growing up before my eyes.

There has been a lot of one-on-one time as mother and son during this winter season. There are many trying moments but they are out numbered by the moments that make my heart smile. I am in love with my son and I think he is an amazing boy. These are some of the funnier moments.
- hides in the corner of the bathroom next to the vanity so that he can suck on his training toothpaste.
- covers his eyes when he wants to be hidden.
- loves playing outside, even in the winter, with his wagon, dump truck, and shovels.
- wishes he could drink apple flavored Pedialyte even when he is not sick because he loves the taste of "sick juice".
- runs to the kitchen at the chance to work the food processor, blender, or coffee grinder.
- can be overheard saying "I've got a job to do" carrying his tools and pieces of wood.
- "fixes" everything around the house, most recently Evangeline's rocking horse and Leap Frog table.
- hands me a book to read out loud to him as he reads one out loud to himself.
- claps and says "Yeah!" when he goes potty, even in public restrooms.
- suavely coins phrases like, "hey guys let's go"!