Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our sweet Evangeline is 4 months old now. She's 14.2 lb's and 25 inches long. We seem to grow them big in this house. She sleeps well, falling asleep on her own in her crib or drifting off in our arms, for 4-5 naps a day and for the most part is up only once in the night. Verbal and physically active she lets us know she's in the room or if we've left her alone too long in another room. I'm seeing a roll over in her near future as she pushes up on her belly well and twist and turns her hips like it's nobody's business! She grabs at anything nearby and holds onto my hair, face, and arms with quite a tug! It's hard to catch a glimpse of the real Eva in photos but these come close:



Old Blogger said...
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Leah said...

I so need to meet Miss Evangeline! Why is Ballston Spa so far away from Elkins Park? And why do we both live in 2-word towns?

Phyllis said...

Little Miss Eva Blue Eyes, you are such a doll!