Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Evangeline Christine is 17 months old this week and is loving every minutes of it. And to be honest, so are we! She eats great and is an awesome sleeper. We know these days won't necessarily last forever.She is excited for whatever comes her way. She loves being out and about and asks to have her coat and shoes put on at the first mention of going anywhere. She also thrives in rediscovering the house and her toys daily. She plays very well on her own and loves stealing/playing with everything her brother has too. Her nickname is "Me Too" and is close behind everything Rowan is doing (including her very own rendition of "Go, tell it on the mountain"). and wants to participate in just about everything that Mom or Dad is into as well (applying makeup, running the blender). Her words are forming on the tip of her tongue and anxiously looks to watch the sign for what she wants to communicate too. Somehow, Rowan remains "De De".How blessed we are to have this little one in our life and to watch her grow in love!

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

Love this little sketch of Eva-life!