Tuesday, March 08, 2011

How to attend the 2011 Winter Carnival at Lake George.

First, layer, bundle, line, and blanket the adults and children.
Second, plan for walking and sliding on all sorts of terrain such as dry pavement, wet roads, slushy sidewalks, ice slush, snow, and of course, the frozen lake.
Third, watch out below and above for scuba divers, animals, ATVs, snowmobiles, dog-sleds, helicopters, and parachuters on display.Fourth, after seeing all the sites (including the polar bear swimmers) and roasting s'mores be prepared that your son's favorite memory will be getting to go in the Water Rescue Unit of the Firetrucks.


Sandy said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun. We have missed the lake this winter with the kids. Maybe next year.

Phyllis said...
