Monday, October 24, 2011

A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!
I love my home, being at home, and being all homey. It's true. When the chance arises in the fall to have coffee on a Saturday morning while 'preparing' for winter I am all over it. This year I am all over homemade apple sauce. Thankfully, the entire family is too. Alan cut and boiled, Rowan and Evangeline milled, and I processed. 1/2 bushel of apples from our local orchard is now our very own delicious homemade apple sauce. Nothing added but a pinch of sweet cinnamon. No canning just yet; it's the easy freezer sauce for us now. Though, I might be swayed to canning in the very near future. In addition to our apple sauce there is also plenty of apple crisp on hand and at least an apple a day for all of us. We are nearing the end of our upstate New York apple harvest so what else to do today but head back out this afternoon to pick-our-own at Saratoga Apple. See you at the orchard!


Phyllis said...

Now that's a family event! Looks delicious.

Sandy said...

We love homemade applesauce. I do mine in the crock pot, though.

BobR said...

Great fun for all - great time of the year.