Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Goodbye Sendoff

Playgroup & church friends: R, D, Evangeline, S, A, Rowan
 Our time with the Champion-Terrell Family was a blessings. This past month we had to start saying our goodbyes.  KCT, W, S, and D are off to have a fantastic life in Indiana and we wish them the best.  No one leaves BSpa without a proper send off (especially from this Ballston Babe) and unfortunately we've had lots of practice saying goodbye to friends.

 Our sentimental gift for S &  D was also a way for us to remember them: canvas hand print art for everyone's wall. I painted each little one's hand, they made their hand print on canvas, and then after they all dried I wrote their names below their hand.  Six beautiful works of art were finished in the hour and are proudly hanging in each on of the children's rooms.

Our practical gift for S & D was a "Keep in Touch" box filled with: paper, envelopes, stamps, pencils, and photo-personalized address labels. Anytime S & D want to send us a 'note' or art work they've created they can sign, seal, and it'll be delivered.

Words and pictures alone don't capture the beauty of these friends but their imprints they've left on our hearts will last forever. Blessings Champion-Terrells!

Kristen, S, D, and Evangeline
Colleen and Kristen

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