Sunday, May 25, 2014

Deja Vu

Those who didn't know Rowan as an infant ask if Cillian resembles Rowan. Some people who knew us in the fall of 2007 say that they think Rowan and Cillian look alike. What do you think? Which of the photos below are Rowan?  Which ones are Cillian? Do you think they resemble each other?


Phyllis said...

I think 1 and 3 are Cillian. Cillian has a different look than Rowan, to me. Are they wearing the same onesy at different ages?

Ruddy said...

You are right Memme! I agree, they have a different look. They are both wearing the same outfit. Rowan is about 2 weeks in his photos and Cillian is about 4 weeks when I snapped that shot. - Chrissy