Monday, September 29, 2014

Cast of Characters

Halloween come early? No. We're just always monkey-ing around. Or, should I gorilla-ing around! It's often that we have to tell Rowan to 'turn the sillies off' when he's much more interested in being the jokester than knowing when enough is enough. But, one of the best things about Rowan and Evangeline is their willingness to play, pretend, and most definitely to entertain.

So, in order of cast appearance here is our dear Evangeline playing Tigger. And here is our goof Rowan playing the bare-bottomed gorilla.
Rowan, Age 6 and 5/6th
Eva, Age 5 and 1/6th

Not to leave the crew out .... there is also Mommy and Daddy (not picture) and this adorable babe, Cillian, in charge of special effects!

Cillian, Age 5 and 1/2 months (24 weeks)

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